Wednesday, February 6, 2008

What has the last week taught me

...that my body can't do everything...

I have been ill for the 2nd time in 4 weeks and I am fairly sure the latest bout was made 10 times worse by me doing too much.

So I have decided to take a step back and remind myself which elements are the most important right now. all the other projects can be picked up as and when I DO have time!

So priority number 1: Get more clients for my other trainers, which means refocussing on offline marketing and local promotion. this started today with a talk at a local company, which proved not very good due to only 2 people attending. Partly my fault for not giving my contact enough information on what my talk was on.

Tip: never do a talk without giving your contact a full primer on what you are covering.

Priority number 2: Develop systems and primary offerings to make our services by far the best in Luxembourg, which ties in nicely with my weekend...

Spent the weekend at Dax's KCA course, which was superb, this time round I am determined to utilise ALL that I have learnt, I'll do the study and practical elements and write up to obtain the qualification rather than just let it run like last time.

Priority number 3: Drop a Dress Size 31 day program - this is pretty much finished, just need to get it live...

Anything else will follow as and when.

BTW I will be doing the Web Tech Seminar probably later this month, I will give everyone more advanced notice this time and hold it at a more appropriate time too.

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