Sunday, March 16, 2008

Template Monster

Excellent resource for you guys...

This is Template Monster where you can buy pre made templates for websites, blogs, ecommerce sites etc etc...

Check out my new BLOG at for an example of what you get. In all honesty it took me 10 minutes to get the template installed, and about an hour of fiddling around sorting all the details...

Give it a try

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

What has the last week taught me

...that my body can't do everything...

I have been ill for the 2nd time in 4 weeks and I am fairly sure the latest bout was made 10 times worse by me doing too much.

So I have decided to take a step back and remind myself which elements are the most important right now. all the other projects can be picked up as and when I DO have time!

So priority number 1: Get more clients for my other trainers, which means refocussing on offline marketing and local promotion. this started today with a talk at a local company, which proved not very good due to only 2 people attending. Partly my fault for not giving my contact enough information on what my talk was on.

Tip: never do a talk without giving your contact a full primer on what you are covering.

Priority number 2: Develop systems and primary offerings to make our services by far the best in Luxembourg, which ties in nicely with my weekend...

Spent the weekend at Dax's KCA course, which was superb, this time round I am determined to utilise ALL that I have learnt, I'll do the study and practical elements and write up to obtain the qualification rather than just let it run like last time.

Priority number 3: Drop a Dress Size 31 day program - this is pretty much finished, just need to get it live...

Anything else will follow as and when.

BTW I will be doing the Web Tech Seminar probably later this month, I will give everyone more advanced notice this time and hold it at a more appropriate time too.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

domain mad

I went mad on Saturday night....

I was out doing some Snowboarding at the local snow Hall and on the way home I had a monster idea. Basically been wondering how to best follow up on the Corporate Athlete Conditioning Handbook, so now going to put together a load of Sporting specific 12 week programs based on the principles of the Corporate Athlete....

For example the first one will be a 12 week conditioning program for corporate athlete golfers, I also have on the list,, etc etc...

In total i ordered over 20 new domain names.

Since then I have sourced a developer who will design the basic site template and graphics for 200USD via ScriptLance and started to pull together a program, articles, sales copy, aweber autoresponder etc.

Still got my Drop A Dress Size product to finish this week, the facebook group has been really successful idea, and I am looking to utilise this medium again to get leads for other projects.

I didn't get the response for the web tech seminar I was looking for, some feedback showed that maybe too short notice and not ideal timings for the seminars... Gonna rethink and retry later on... Still think there is mileage there!

Too much going on as I am training interns once again this week and going to Dax's KCA course too.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

An Obvious Truth

In a world of Internet Marketing where it seems that the latest gadget, widget, technology, trick and scam seems to hug the limelight.

This report cuts through the crap and goes back to the basic principles of marketing that just work. It's not complex, its not hyped up BS, it is just honest facts that we seem to ignore when it comes to marketing online.

I read this report and immediately changed my plans for marketing the Corporate Athlete... The obvious stuff we ignore is the stuff that REALLY does matter.

Armand Morin - Internet Marketing Explained

Yep I took the plunge and decided to buy Internet Marketing Explained by Armand Morin, the stuff cover in his recent teleseminars has been just incredible.

Check out the video from his site... I'll post a link to his report too which also gave me lots of great information about web copy, affiliates etc... all useful for the corporate athlete project and other projects I am embarking on.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

New Affiliate article for Corporate Athlete Handbook

Hi guys

Just finished a new affiliate article that you can use on your sites and in your emails for the Corporate Athlete Handbook Physical Fitness for the Corporate Athlete

The article is called Jogging makes you slow, and is based on the methods of training we commonly adopt for a sport without thinking about how it can help or hinder our progress.

Take a look...

If you want to use it please include the following bio, and incorporate your affiliate link if you wish to promote the product:

Tim Goodwin is a fitness professional specializing in help the busiest people achieve more with their amateur sporting interests, and at the same time ridding them of excess body fat. If you are looking to develop your Physical Fitness as a Corporate Athlete visit the link to get a free 18 page report "How to lose weight even when you are really busy" containing a full 4 week program which you can start today!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Facebook challenge

Not sure if many of you guys are on Facebook, it is a spectacular waste of time!!

However, my wife sowed the seeds of an idea of how to use Facebook to establish my name more.

The social networking nature of the site has facilities to set up groups where you invite your friends to join, they then tell their friends about it, then they tell even more and so on... quite viral!

One such group called the 6 degrees of Separation experiment recently notched up over 3 million members in just over 24 days!!!

Yes I did say 3 million!!!

The things is this particular group seems to achieve absolutely nothing!!! sweet FA

So armed with this knowledge I have set up my own group. Drop a Dress Size in Jan '08

Basically I am going to provide a daily tips and exercises and nutritional advice to help people drop a dress size in the month of January.

I set this group up just over a week ago and the number of members has grown to over 80...

Hmmm... not exactly 3 million but hey its a start :)

Well the group is open until 1st JAN and then I am closing it to new members...

I'll keep you posted on the progress of the "experiment"

Hope you are having a nice xmas